


Dieses Theme unterstützt die Anzeige eines Inhaltsverzeichnisses (IVZ) für Blog Posts.


You can manage a ToC with two parameters:

  • global toc parameter;
  • post toc parameter.

The post toc parameter has higher priority than the global toc parameter.

Enable table of content on all posts

To enable ToC on all posts (globally) set parameter toc to true in hugo.toml.

  toc = true

To disable ToC globally, simply ignore the toc parameter or set it to false.

Enable table of content on certain posts

To enable ToC on certain posts set parameter toc to true in post settings.

title: How to enable table of content
date: 2023-05-02
toc: true

Disable table of content on certain posts

To disable ToC on certain posts, you have to follow two steps.

Notice: .Params.toc in the post will override .Site.Params.toc. After these steps, parameter toc in the post will be false.

  1. Set parameter toc to true in hugo.toml.

      toc = true
  2. Add toc = false to the front matter of the post for which you wish to disable ToC.

    title: How to enable table of content
    date: 2023-05-02
    toc: false

Inhaltsverzeichnis aufklappen

By default, ToC is closed. To open it by default, set parameter tocOpen to true in hugo.toml.

  tocOpen = true

Or simply add the tocOpen parameter to the front matter of the post.

title: How to enable table of content
date: 2023-05-02
tocOpen: true